Presidential Speech Archive
- Index to Speeches in the Archive:
- George Washington
- First State of the Union Address
- Farewell Address
- Thomas Jefferson
- First Inaugural Address
- Abraham Lincoln
- A House Divided
- First Inaugural Address
- Gettysburg Address
- Second Inaugural Address
- Theodore Roosevelt
- The Duties of American Citizenship
- The Strenuous Life
- The Man with the Muck Rake
- The New Nationalism
- Woodrow Wilson
- First Inaugural Address
- War Message
- League of Nations
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- First Inaugural Address
- First Fireside Chat
- Quarantine the Aggressor
- Arsenal of Democracy
- War Message
- Harry S. Truman
- Aid to Greece and Turkey: The Truman Doctrine
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- The Chance for Peace
- Atoms for Peace
- Second Inaugural Address
- Federal Court Orders Must Be Upheld
- John F. Kennedy
- Speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association
- Inaugural Address
- The Berlin Crisis
- Cuban Missle Crisis
- American University Speech
- Civil Rights Message
- Radio and Television Address to the American People on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- We Shall Overcome
- The Great Society
- Gulf of Tonkin Incident
- Johns Hopkins University Speech
- Renunciation Speech
- Richard M. Nixon
- Acceptance of the Republican Nomination for President
- First Inaugural Address
- Vietnamization
- Resignation Speech
- Jimmy Carter
- The Crisis of Confidence
- Ronald Reagan
- Acceptance of the Republican Nomination for President
- National Securty
- Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
- George Bush
- Iraqi Aggression in the Persian Gulf